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PHP professional profile of Ricardo Losso

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Name:Ricardo Losso
Zip code:H3H 1T6
Location:Montreal, QC
Country:Canada Canada
Phone:+1 (438) 491-6679

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Professional skills:
PHP developer:Yes
Web designer:Yes
Systems administrator:Yes
SEO professional:Yes
Can move to employer country:Yes
Can work remotely:Yes
PHP:24 years
PHP 5:18 years
JavaScript:24 years
Microsoft SQL server:18 years
MySQL:23 years
PostgreSQL:13 years
SQLite:13 years
Linux:25 years
Windows:29 years
Android:13 years
CakePHP:9 years
Code Igniter:13 years
PEAR:18 years
Smarty:18 years
Zend Framework:15 years
jQuery:16 years
Joomla:15 years
WordPress:14 years
Version control
CVS:18 years
SubVersion:18 years
Git:9 years

Other skills:Over the past 10 years I´ve worked with PHP, MySQL, HMTL, DHTML and CSS on a wide variety of sites. I've worked for startup companies and web development firms in the US, small businesses in Brazil, and even web portals. My experience includes work on the Facebook API, the Google Maps API, and complex database systems for Realty Agencies.

I am seeking opportunities to program websites or web applications. I work regular US hours and have the possibility to live abroad as well.

I also have some extended experience in the following areas: Smarty Template, PEAR LIB, SVN, Ajax, OOP, jQuery, ANSI SQL, SQL SERVER, FIREBIRD and some design skills.