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<?php namespace RedUNIT\Base; use RedUNIT\Base as Base; use RedBeanPHP\Facade as R; /** * Writecache * * The Query Writer Cache tries to avoid unnecessary queries * by using cache markers. This means repeatingly fetching the * same parent bean for instance (in loop) won't hurt performance. * The Query Writer Cache gets emptied if the chain of markers * gets broken. All 'non destructive' queries are marked, as long * as no other queries have been executed we can safely assume * nothing in the database has changed for the current request. * You might want to turn this form of caching off in long running * PHP processes. * * @file RedUNIT/Base/Writecache.php * @desc Tests the Query Writer cache implemented in the * @author Gabor de Mooij and the RedBeanPHP Community * @license New BSD/GPLv2 * * (c) G.J.G.T. (Gabor) de Mooij and the RedBeanPHP Community. * This source file is subject to the New BSD/GPLv2 License that is bundled * with this source code in the file license.txt. */ class Writecache extends Base { /** * What drivers should be loaded for this test pack? */ public function getTargetDrivers() { return array( 'mysql', 'pgsql', 'sqlite', 'CUBRID' ); } /** * Lynesth: * Using flushCache() obviously fixes it. * The example might be a bit stupid but it gets to the point. * Someone might be using a specific query more than once with * getCell (or any other) and thinking the * cache works for those as well, try to make use of it. * * @return void */ public function testCacheFail() { R::nuke(); R::freeze( FALSE ); $author = R::dispense('author'); $author->name = "John"; $id = R::store($author); $author = R::load('author', 1); // This gets cached $author = $author->fresh(); // This gets cached $author = R::findOne('author', ' id = ? ', array( 1 )); // This gets cached asrt($author->name, 'John'); R::exec('UPDATE author SET name = "Bob" WHERE id = 1'); // It's broken because there's no cache check between those two calls //more realistic query: 'SELECT MAX(id) FROM author -- keep-cache'); R::getCell('SELECT 123 -- keep-cache'); $author = R::load('author', $id); asrt($author->name, 'John'); $author = $author->fresh(); asrt($author->name, 'John'); $author = R::findOne('author', ' id = ? ', array( 1 )); asrt($author->name, 'John'); } /** * Test whether cache size remains constant (per type). * Avoiding potential memory leaks. (Issue #424). * * @return void */ public function testCacheSize() { R::nuke(); R::useWriterCache( TRUE ); $writer = R::getWriter(); $bean = R::dispense( 'bean' ); $bean->prop = 1; R::store( $bean ); $writer->flushCache( 20 ); $count = $writer->flushCache(); asrt( $count, 0 ); R::find( 'bean', ' prop < ? ', array( 1 ) ); $count = $writer->flushCache(); asrt( $count, 2 ); R::find( 'bean', ' prop < ? ', array( 2 ) ); $count = $writer->flushCache(); asrt( $count, 5 ); R::find( 'bean', ' prop < ? ', array( 2 ) ); $count = $writer->flushCache(); asrt( $count, 5 ); for( $i = 0; $i < 40; $i ++ ) { R::find( 'bean', ' prop < ? ', array( $i ) ); } $count = $writer->flushCache(); asrt( $count, 85 ); for( $i = 0; $i < 120; $i ++ ) { R::find( 'bean', ' prop < ? ', array( $i ) ); } $count = $writer->flushCache( 1 ); asrt( $count, 85 ); for( $i = 0; $i < 20; $i ++ ) { R::find( 'bean', ' prop < ? ', array( $i ) ); } $count = $writer->flushCache( 20 ); asrt( $count, 9 ); } /** * When using fetchAs(), Query Cache does not recognize objects * that have been previously fetched, see issue #400. */ public function testCachingAndFetchAs() { testpack( 'Testing whether you can cache multiple records of the same type' ); R::debug( TRUE, 1 ); $logger = R::getDatabaseAdapter()->getDatabase()->getLogger(); R::nuke(); $coauthor1 = R::dispense( 'author' ); $coauthor1->name = 'John'; $book = R::dispense( 'book' ); $book->title = 'a Funny Tale'; $book->coauthor = $coauthor1; $id = R::store( $book ); $coauthor = R::dispense( 'author' ); $coauthor->name = 'Pete'; $book = R::dispense( 'book' ); $book->title = 'a Funny Tale 2'; $book->coauthor = $coauthor; $id = R::store( $book ); $book = R::dispense( 'book' ); $book->title = 'a Funny Tale 3'; $book->coauthor = $coauthor1; $id = R::store( $book ); $books = R::find( 'book' ); $logger->clear(); $authors = array(); $authorsByName = array(); foreach($books as $book) { $coAuthor = $book->with( ' ORDER BY title ASC ' ) ->fetchAs( 'author' )->coauthor; $authors[] = $coAuthor->name; $authorsByName[ $coAuthor->name ] = $coAuthor; } asrt( count( $logger->grep( 'SELECT' ) ), 2 ); //must be 2! 3 if cache does not work! asrt( count( $authors ), 3 ); asrt( isset( $authorsByName[ 'John' ] ), TRUE ); asrt( isset( $authorsByName[ 'Pete' ] ), TRUE ); $logger->clear(); $authors = array(); $authorsByName = array(); foreach($books as $book) { $coAuthor = $book->with( ' ORDER BY title DESC ' ) ->fetchAs( 'author' )->coauthor; $authors[] = $coAuthor->name; $authorsByName[ $coAuthor->name ] = $coAuthor; } asrt( count( $logger->grep( 'SELECT' ) ), 0 ); //must be 0! asrt( count( $authors ), 3 ); asrt( isset( $authorsByName[ 'John' ] ), TRUE ); asrt( isset( $authorsByName[ 'Pete' ] ), TRUE ); } /** * Test effects of cache. * * @return void */ public function testCachingEffects() { testpack( 'Testing WriteCache Query Writer Cache' ); R::setNarrowFieldMode( FALSE ); R::useWriterCache( FALSE ); R::debug( TRUE, 1 ); $logger = R::getDatabaseAdapter()->getDatabase()->getLogger(); $book = R::dispense( 'book' )->setAttr( 'title', 'ABC' ); $book->ownPage[] = R::dispense( 'page' ); $id = R::store( $book ); // Test load cache -- without $logger->clear(); $book = R::load( 'book', $id ); $book = R::load( 'book', $id ); asrt( count( $logger->grep( 'SELECT' ) ), 2 ); // With cache R::useWriterCache( TRUE ); $logger->clear(); $book = R::load( 'book', $id ); $book = R::load( 'book', $id ); asrt( count( $logger->grep( 'SELECT' ) ), 1 ); R::useWriterCache( FALSE ); // Test find cache $logger->clear(); $book = R::find( 'book' ); $book = R::find( 'book' ); asrt( count( $logger->grep( 'SELECT' ) ), 2 ); // With cache R::getWriter()->setUseCache( TRUE ); $logger->clear(); $book = R::find( 'book' ); $book = R::find( 'book' ); asrt( count( $logger->grep( 'SELECT' ) ), 1 ); R::getWriter()->setUseCache( FALSE ); // Test combinations $logger->clear(); $book = R::findOne( 'book', ' id = ? ', array( $id ) ); $book->ownPage; R::batch( 'book', array( $id ) ); $book = R::findOne( 'book', ' id = ? ', array( $id ) ); $book->ownPage; R::batch( 'book', array( $id ) ); asrt( count( $logger->grep( 'SELECT' ) ), 6 ); // With cache R::getWriter()->setUseCache( TRUE ); $logger->clear(); R::batch( 'book', array( $id ) ); $book = R::findOne( 'book', ' id = ? ', array( $id ) ); $book->ownPage; $book = R::findOne( 'book', ' id = ? ', array( $id ) ); $book->ownPage; asrt( count( $logger->grep( 'SELECT' ) ), 3 ); R::getWriter()->setUseCache( FALSE ); // Test auto flush $logger->clear(); $book = R::findOne( 'book' ); $book->name = 'X'; R::store( $book ); $book = R::findOne( 'book' ); asrt( count( $logger->grep( 'SELECT *' ) ), 2 ); // With cache R::getWriter()->setUseCache( TRUE ); $logger->clear(); $book = R::findOne( 'book' ); $book->name = 'Y'; // Will flush R::store( $book ); $book = R::findOne( 'book' ); // Now the same, auto flushed asrt( count( $logger->grep( 'SELECT *' ) ), 2 ); R::getWriter()->setUseCache( FALSE ); // Test whether delete flushes as well (because uses selectRecord - might be a gotcha!) R::store( R::dispense( 'garbage' ) ); $garbage = R::findOne( 'garbage' ); $logger->clear(); $book = R::findOne( 'book' ); R::trash( $garbage ); $book = R::findOne( 'book' ); asrt( count( $logger->grep( 'SELECT *' ) ), 2 ); R::store( R::dispense( 'garbage' ) ); $garbage = R::findOne( 'garbage' ); // With cache R::getWriter()->setUseCache( TRUE ); $logger->clear(); $book = R::findOne( 'book' ); R::trash( $garbage ); $book = R::findOne( 'book' ); // Now the same, auto flushed asrt( count( $logger->grep( 'SELECT *' ) ), 2 ); R::getWriter()->setUseCache( FALSE ); R::store( R::dispense( 'garbage' ) ); $garbage = R::findOne( 'garbage' ); // With cache R::getWriter()->setUseCache( TRUE ); $logger->clear(); $book = R::findOne( 'book' ); R::getWriter()->queryRecord( 'garbage', array( 'id' => array( $garbage->id ) ) ); $book = R::findOne( 'book' ); // Now the same, auto flushed asrt( count( $logger->grep( 'SELECT *' ) ), 2 ); $page = R::dispense('page'); $book->sharedPage[] = $page; R::store( $book ); $logger->clear(); $link = R::getWriter()->queryRecordLink( 'book', 'page', $book->id, $page->id ); asrt( count( $logger->grep( 'SELECT' ) ), 1 ); $link = R::getWriter()->queryRecordLink( 'book', 'page', $book->id, $page->id ); asrt( count( $logger->grep( 'SELECT' ) ), 1 ); R::getWriter()->setUseCache( FALSE ); $link = R::getWriter()->queryRecordLink( 'book', 'page', $book->id, $page->id ); asrt( count( $logger->grep( 'SELECT' ) ), 2 ); R::getWriter()->setUseCache( TRUE ); R::setNarrowFieldMode( TRUE ); } /** * Try to fool the cache :) * * @return void */ public function testRegressions() { testpack( 'Testing possible regressions: Try to fool the cache' ); $str = 'SELECT * FROM ' . R::getWriter()->esc( 'bean', TRUE ) . ' WHERE ( ' . R::getWriter()->esc( 'id', TRUE ) . ' IN ( 1) ) '; $bean = R::dispense( 'bean' ); $bean->title = 'abc'; $id = R::store( $bean ); $bean = R::load( 'bean', $id ); $bean->title = 'xxx'; R::store( $bean ); // Fire exact same query so cache may think no other query has been fired R::exec( $str ); $bean = R::load( 'bean', $id ); asrt( $bean->title, 'xxx' ); } /** * Test keep-cache comment. * * @return void */ public function testKeepCacheCommentInSQL() { $bean = R::dispense( 'bean' ); $bean->title = 'abc'; $id = R::store( $bean ); $bean = R::load( 'bean', $id ); $bean->title = 'xxx'; R::store( $bean ); // Causes flush even though it contains -- keep-cache (not at the end, not intended) R::findOne( 'bean', ' title = ? ', array( '-- keep-cache' ) ); $bean = R::load( 'bean', $id ); asrt( $bean->title, 'xxx' ); } /** * * Same as above.. test keep cache. * * @return void */ public function testInstructNoDrop() { $str = 'SELECT * FROM ' . R::getWriter()->esc( 'bean', TRUE ) . ' -- keep-cache'; $bean = R::dispense( 'bean' ); $bean->title = 'abc'; $id = R::store( $bean ); $bean = R::load( 'bean', $id ); $bean->title = 'xxx'; R::store( $bean ); R::exec( $str ); $bean = R::load( 'bean', $id ); asrt( $bean->title, 'abc' ); R::nuke(); // Now INSTRUCT the cache to not drop the cache CASE 2 $str = 'SELECT * FROM ' . R::getWriter()->esc( 'bean', TRUE ) . ' -- keep-cache'; $bean = R::dispense( 'bean' ); $bean->title = 'abc'; $id = R::store( $bean ); $bean = R::load( 'bean', $id ); $bean->title = 'xxx'; R::store( $bean ); R::findOne( 'bean', ' title = ? ', array( 'cache' ) ); $bean = R::load( 'bean', $id ); asrt( $bean->title, 'xxx' ); } /** * Can we confuse the cache? * * @return void */ public function testConfusionRegression() { testpack( 'Testing possible confusion regression' ); $bean = R::dispense( 'bean' ); $bean->title = 'abc'; $id1 = R::store( $bean ); $bean = R::dispense( 'bean' ); $bean->title = 'abc2'; $id2 = R::store( $bean ); $bean = R::load( 'bean', $id1 ); asrt( $bean->title, 'abc' ); $bean = R::load( 'bean', $id2 ); asrt( $bean->title, 'abc2' ); } /** * Test Ghost beans.... * * @return void */ public function testGhostBeans() { testpack( 'Testing ghost beans' ); $bean = R::dispense( 'bean' ); $bean->title = 'abc'; $id1 = R::store( $bean ); R::trash( $bean ); $bean = R::load( 'bean', $id1 ); asrt( (int) $bean->id, 0 ); } /** * Test explicit flush. * * @return void */ public function testExplicitCacheFlush() { testpack( 'Test cache flush (explicit)' ); R::setNarrowFieldMode( FALSE ); R::debug( TRUE, 1 ); $logger = R::getDatabaseAdapter()->getDatabase()->getLogger(); $bean = R::dispense( 'bean' ); $bean->title = 'abc'; $id1 = R::store( $bean ); $logger->clear(); $bean = R::load( 'bean', $id1 ); asrt( $bean->title, 'abc' ); asrt( count( $logger->grep( 'SELECT *' ) ), 1 ); $bean = R::load( 'bean', $id1 ); asrt( count( $logger->grep( 'SELECT *' ) ), 1 ); R::getWriter()->flushCache(); $bean = R::load( 'bean', $id1 ); asrt( count( $logger->grep( 'SELECT *' ) ), 2 ); R::getWriter()->flushCache(); R::getWriter()->setUseCache( FALSE ); R::setNarrowFieldMode( TRUE ); } }