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<?php namespace RedBeanPHP\QueryWriter; use RedBeanPHP\QueryWriter\AQueryWriter as AQueryWriter; use RedBeanPHP\QueryWriter as QueryWriter; use RedBeanPHP\Adapter\DBAdapter as DBAdapter; use RedBeanPHP\Adapter as Adapter; use RedBeanPHP\RedException\SQL as SQLException; /** * RedBeanPHP MySQLWriter. * This is a QueryWriter class for RedBeanPHP. * This QueryWriter provides support for the MySQL/MariaDB database platform. * * @file RedBeanPHP/QueryWriter/MySQL.php * @author Gabor de Mooij and the RedBeanPHP Community * @license BSD/GPLv2 * * @copyright * (c) G.J.G.T. (Gabor) de Mooij and the RedBeanPHP Community. * This source file is subject to the BSD/GPLv2 License that is bundled * with this source code in the file license.txt. */ class MySQL extends AQueryWriter implements QueryWriter { /** * Data types */ const C_DATATYPE_BOOL = 0; const C_DATATYPE_UINT32 = 2; const C_DATATYPE_DOUBLE = 3; const C_DATATYPE_TEXT7 = 4; //InnoDB cant index varchar(255) utf8mb4 - so keep 191 as long as possible const C_DATATYPE_TEXT8 = 5; const C_DATATYPE_TEXT16 = 6; const C_DATATYPE_TEXT32 = 7; const C_DATATYPE_SPECIAL_DATE = 80; const C_DATATYPE_SPECIAL_DATETIME = 81; const C_DATATYPE_SPECIAL_TIME = 83; //MySQL time column (only manual) const C_DATATYPE_SPECIAL_POINT = 90; const C_DATATYPE_SPECIAL_LINESTRING = 91; const C_DATATYPE_SPECIAL_POLYGON = 92; const C_DATATYPE_SPECIAL_MONEY = 93; const C_DATATYPE_SPECIAL_JSON = 94; //JSON support (only manual) const C_DATATYPE_SPECIFIED = 99; /** * @var DBAdapter */ protected $adapter; /** * @var string */ protected $quoteCharacter = '`'; /** * @var array */ protected $DDLTemplates = array( 'addColumn' => array( '*' => 'ALTER TABLE %s ADD %s %s ' ), 'createTable' => array( '*' => 'CREATE TABLE %s (id INT( 11 ) UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, PRIMARY KEY ( id )) ENGINE = InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=%s COLLATE=%s ' ), 'widenColumn' => array( '*' => 'ALTER TABLE `%s` CHANGE %s %s %s ' ) ); /** * @see AQueryWriter::getKeyMapForType */ protected function getKeyMapForType( $type ) { $databaseName = $this->adapter->getCell('SELECT DATABASE()'); $table = $this->esc( $type, TRUE ); $keys = $this->adapter->get(' SELECT information_schema.key_column_usage.constraint_name AS `name`, information_schema.key_column_usage.referenced_table_name AS `table`, information_schema.key_column_usage.column_name AS `from`, information_schema.key_column_usage.referenced_column_name AS `to`, information_schema.referential_constraints.update_rule AS `on_update`, information_schema.referential_constraints.delete_rule AS `on_delete` FROM information_schema.key_column_usage INNER JOIN information_schema.referential_constraints ON information_schema.referential_constraints.constraint_name = information_schema.key_column_usage.constraint_name WHERE information_schema.key_column_usage.table_schema = :database AND information_schema.referential_constraints.constraint_schema = :database AND information_schema.key_column_usage.constraint_schema = :database AND information_schema.key_column_usage.table_name = :table AND information_schema.key_column_usage.constraint_name != \'PRIMARY\' AND information_schema.key_column_usage.referenced_table_name IS NOT NULL ', array( ':database' => $databaseName, ':table' => $table ) ); $keyInfoList = array(); foreach ( $keys as $k ) { $label = $this->makeFKLabel( $k['from'], $k['table'], $k['to'] ); $keyInfoList[$label] = array( 'name' => $k['name'], 'from' => $k['from'], 'table' => $k['table'], 'to' => $k['to'], 'on_update' => $k['on_update'], 'on_delete' => $k['on_delete'] ); } return $keyInfoList; } /** * Constructor * Most of the time, you do not need to use this constructor, * since the facade takes care of constructing and wiring the * RedBeanPHP core objects. However if you would like to * assemble an OODB instance yourself, this is how it works: * * Usage: * * <code> * $database = new RPDO( $dsn, $user, $pass ); * $adapter = new DBAdapter( $database ); * $writer = new PostgresWriter( $adapter ); * $oodb = new OODB( $writer, FALSE ); * $bean = $oodb->dispense( 'bean' ); * $bean->name = 'coffeeBean'; * $id = $oodb->store( $bean ); * $bean = $oodb->load( 'bean', $id ); * </code> * * The example above creates the 3 RedBeanPHP core objects: * the Adapter, the Query Writer and the OODB instance and * wires them together. The example also demonstrates some of * the methods that can be used with OODB, as you see, they * closely resemble their facade counterparts. * * The wiring process: create an RPDO instance using your database * connection parameters. Create a database adapter from the RPDO * object and pass that to the constructor of the writer. Next, * create an OODB instance from the writer. Now you have an OODB * object. * * @param Adapter $adapter Database Adapter * @param array $options options array */ public function __construct( Adapter $adapter, $options = array() ) { $this->typeno_sqltype = array( MySQL::C_DATATYPE_BOOL => ' TINYINT(1) UNSIGNED ', MySQL::C_DATATYPE_UINT32 => ' INT(11) UNSIGNED ', MySQL::C_DATATYPE_DOUBLE => ' DOUBLE ', MySQL::C_DATATYPE_TEXT7 => ' VARCHAR(191) ', MYSQL::C_DATATYPE_TEXT8 => ' VARCHAR(255) ', MySQL::C_DATATYPE_TEXT16 => ' TEXT ', MySQL::C_DATATYPE_TEXT32 => ' LONGTEXT ', MySQL::C_DATATYPE_SPECIAL_DATE => ' DATE ', MySQL::C_DATATYPE_SPECIAL_DATETIME => ' DATETIME ', MySQL::C_DATATYPE_SPECIAL_TIME => ' TIME ', MySQL::C_DATATYPE_SPECIAL_POINT => ' POINT ', MySQL::C_DATATYPE_SPECIAL_LINESTRING => ' LINESTRING ', MySQL::C_DATATYPE_SPECIAL_POLYGON => ' POLYGON ', MySQL::C_DATATYPE_SPECIAL_MONEY => ' DECIMAL(10,2) ', MYSQL::C_DATATYPE_SPECIAL_JSON => ' JSON ' ); $this->sqltype_typeno = array(); foreach ( $this->typeno_sqltype as $k => $v ) { $this->sqltype_typeno[trim( strtolower( $v ) )] = $k; } $this->adapter = $adapter; $this->encoding = $this->adapter->getDatabase()->getMysqlEncoding(); $me = $this; if (!isset($options['noInitcode'])) $this->adapter->setInitCode(function($version) use(&$me) { try { if (strpos($version, 'maria')===FALSE && intval($version)>=8) { $me->useFeature('ignoreDisplayWidth'); } } catch( \Exception $e ){} }); } /** * Enables certain features/dialects. * * - ignoreDisplayWidth required for MySQL8+ * (automatically set by setup() if you pass dsn instead of PDO object) * * @param string $name feature ID * * @return void */ public function useFeature($name) { if ($name == 'ignoreDisplayWidth') { $this->typeno_sqltype[MySQL::C_DATATYPE_BOOL] = ' TINYINT UNSIGNED '; $this->typeno_sqltype[MySQL::C_DATATYPE_UINT32] = ' INT UNSIGNED '; foreach ( $this->typeno_sqltype as $k => $v ) { $this->sqltype_typeno[trim( strtolower( $v ) )] = $k; } } } /** * This method returns the datatype to be used for primary key IDS and * foreign keys. Returns one if the data type constants. * * @return integer */ public function getTypeForID() { return self::C_DATATYPE_UINT32; } /** * @see QueryWriter::getTables */ public function getTables() { return $this->adapter->getCol( 'show tables' ); } /** * @see QueryWriter::createTable */ public function createTable( $type ) { $table = $this->esc( $type ); $charset_collate = $this->adapter->getDatabase()->getMysqlEncoding( TRUE ); $charset = $charset_collate['charset']; $collate = $charset_collate['collate']; $sql = sprintf( $this->getDDLTemplate( 'createTable', $type ), $table, $charset, $collate ); $this->adapter->exec( $sql ); } /** * @see QueryWriter::getColumns */ public function getColumns( $table ) { $columnsRaw = $this->adapter->get( "DESCRIBE " . $this->esc( $table ) ); $columns = array(); foreach ( $columnsRaw as $r ) { $columns[$r['Field']] = $r['Type']; } return $columns; } /** * @see QueryWriter::scanType */ public function scanType( $value, $flagSpecial = FALSE ) { if ( is_null( $value ) ) return MySQL::C_DATATYPE_BOOL; if ( $value === INF ) return MySQL::C_DATATYPE_TEXT7; if ( $flagSpecial ) { if ( preg_match( '/^-?\d+\.\d{2}$/', $value ) ) { return MySQL::C_DATATYPE_SPECIAL_MONEY; } if ( preg_match( '/^\d{4}\-\d\d-\d\d$/', $value ) ) { return MySQL::C_DATATYPE_SPECIAL_DATE; } if ( preg_match( '/^\d{4}\-\d\d-\d\d\s\d\d:\d\d:\d\d$/', $value ) ) { return MySQL::C_DATATYPE_SPECIAL_DATETIME; } if ( preg_match( '/^POINT\(/', $value ) ) { return MySQL::C_DATATYPE_SPECIAL_POINT; } if ( preg_match( '/^LINESTRING\(/', $value ) ) { return MySQL::C_DATATYPE_SPECIAL_LINESTRING; } if ( preg_match( '/^POLYGON\(/', $value ) ) { return MySQL::C_DATATYPE_SPECIAL_POLYGON; } if ( self::$flagUseJSONColumns && $this->isJSON( $value ) ) { return self::C_DATATYPE_SPECIAL_JSON; } } //setter turns TRUE FALSE into 0 and 1 because database has no real bools (TRUE and FALSE only for test?). if ( $value === FALSE || $value === TRUE || $value === '0' || $value === '1' || $value === 0 || $value === 1 ) { return MySQL::C_DATATYPE_BOOL; } if ( is_float( $value ) ) return self::C_DATATYPE_DOUBLE; if ( !$this->startsWithZeros( $value ) ) { if ( is_numeric( $value ) && ( floor( $value ) == $value ) && $value >= 0 && $value <= 4294967295 ) { return MySQL::C_DATATYPE_UINT32; } if ( is_numeric( $value ) ) { return MySQL::C_DATATYPE_DOUBLE; } } if ( mb_strlen( $value, 'UTF-8' ) <= 191 ) { return MySQL::C_DATATYPE_TEXT7; } if ( mb_strlen( $value, 'UTF-8' ) <= 255 ) { return MySQL::C_DATATYPE_TEXT8; } if ( mb_strlen( $value, 'UTF-8' ) <= 65535 ) { return MySQL::C_DATATYPE_TEXT16; } return MySQL::C_DATATYPE_TEXT32; } /** * @see QueryWriter::code */ public function code( $typedescription, $includeSpecials = FALSE ) { if ( isset( $this->sqltype_typeno[$typedescription] ) ) { $r = $this->sqltype_typeno[$typedescription]; } else { $r = self::C_DATATYPE_SPECIFIED; } if ( $includeSpecials ) { return $r; } if ( $r >= QueryWriter::C_DATATYPE_RANGE_SPECIAL ) { return self::C_DATATYPE_SPECIFIED; } return $r; } /** * @see QueryWriter::addUniqueIndex */ public function addUniqueConstraint( $type, $properties ) { $tableNoQ = $this->esc( $type, TRUE ); $columns = array(); foreach( $properties as $key => $column ) $columns[$key] = $this->esc( $column ); $table = $this->esc( $type ); sort( $columns ); // Else we get multiple indexes due to order-effects $name = 'UQ_' . sha1( implode( ',', $columns ) ); try { $sql = "ALTER TABLE $table ADD UNIQUE INDEX $name (" . implode( ',', $columns ) . ")"; $this->adapter->exec( $sql ); } catch ( SQLException $e ) { //do nothing, don't use alter table ignore, this will delete duplicate records in 3-ways! return FALSE; } return TRUE; } /** * @see QueryWriter::addIndex */ public function addIndex( $type, $name, $property ) { try { $table = $this->esc( $type ); $name = preg_replace( '/\W/', '', $name ); $column = $this->esc( $property ); $this->adapter->exec( "CREATE INDEX $name ON $table ($column) " ); return TRUE; } catch ( SQLException $e ) { return FALSE; } } /** * @see QueryWriter::addFK */ public function addFK( $type, $targetType, $property, $targetProperty, $isDependent = FALSE ) { $table = $this->esc( $type ); $targetTable = $this->esc( $targetType ); $targetTableNoQ = $this->esc( $targetType, TRUE ); $field = $this->esc( $property ); $fieldNoQ = $this->esc( $property, TRUE ); $targetField = $this->esc( $targetProperty ); $targetFieldNoQ = $this->esc( $targetProperty, TRUE ); $tableNoQ = $this->esc( $type, TRUE ); $fieldNoQ = $this->esc( $property, TRUE ); if ( !is_null( $this->getForeignKeyForTypeProperty( $tableNoQ, $fieldNoQ ) ) ) return FALSE; //Widen the column if it's incapable of representing a foreign key (at least INT). $columns = $this->getColumns( $tableNoQ ); $idType = $this->getTypeForID(); if ( $this->code( $columns[$fieldNoQ] ) !== $idType ) { $this->widenColumn( $type, $property, $idType ); } $fkName = 'fk_'.($tableNoQ.'_'.$fieldNoQ); $cName = 'c_'.$fkName; try { $this->adapter->exec( " ALTER TABLE {$table} ADD CONSTRAINT $cName FOREIGN KEY $fkName ( `{$fieldNoQ}` ) REFERENCES `{$targetTableNoQ}` (`{$targetFieldNoQ}`) ON DELETE " . ( $isDependent ? 'CASCADE' : 'SET NULL' ) . ' ON UPDATE '.( $isDependent ? 'CASCADE' : 'SET NULL' ).';'); } catch ( SQLException $e ) { // Failure of fk-constraints is not a problem } return TRUE; } /** * @see QueryWriter::sqlStateIn */ public function sqlStateIn( $state, $list, $extraDriverDetails = array() ) { $stateMap = array( '42S02' => QueryWriter::C_SQLSTATE_NO_SUCH_TABLE, '42S22' => QueryWriter::C_SQLSTATE_NO_SUCH_COLUMN, '23000' => QueryWriter::C_SQLSTATE_INTEGRITY_CONSTRAINT_VIOLATION, ); if ( $state == 'HY000' && !empty( $extraDriverDetails[1] ) ) { $driverCode = $extraDriverDetails[1]; if ( $driverCode == '1205' && in_array( QueryWriter::C_SQLSTATE_LOCK_TIMEOUT, $list ) ) { return TRUE; } } return in_array( ( isset( $stateMap[$state] ) ? $stateMap[$state] : '0' ), $list ); } /** * @see QueryWriter::wipeAll */ public function wipeAll() { if (AQueryWriter::$noNuke) throw new \Exception('The nuke() command has been disabled using noNuke() or R::feature(novice/...).'); $this->adapter->exec( 'SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0;' ); foreach ( $this->getTables() as $t ) { try { $this->adapter->exec( "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `$t`" ); } catch ( SQLException $e ) { ; } try { $this->adapter->exec( "DROP VIEW IF EXISTS `$t`" ); } catch ( SQLException $e ) { ; } } $this->adapter->exec( 'SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1;' ); } }