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  Classes of Istvan Dobrentei   PHP Timesheet Management System   Download  
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Class: PHP Timesheet Management System
Manage project tasks and the respective work times
Author: By
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Date: 6 years ago
Size: 1,313 bytes


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Add projects/tasks and their working times and generate reports from it

The main goal of this project is to create a simple but effective and useful web application to record working time. It can use any freelancers for their time and material based projects. It could be a multi user system with more complex functions but I currently focus on a simple single use case. The backend is Slim PHP Framework + mysql database and PHP Unit Tests the frontend is VUE js framework. See more on the wiki pages.

How to use:

I tested with PHP 7.0 and MySql 5.7.12

  1. setup database, create database and schema, see db folder
  2. install the first test user, see db folder first_user.sql (password: test)
  3. install project dependencies using composer install

With docker:

  • setup your environment: see docker-compose.yml and docker/nginx/nginx.conf file
  • run from the project root the following command: docker-compose up -d

Without docker:

  • cd public folder and run the following command: DB_HOST="" DB_USER="<your db user>" DB_PASS="<your db password>" DB_NAME="timesheet_manager" php -d variables_order=EGPCS -S localhost:8000
  • open browser and type http://localhost:8000/

If you modify the frontend code, install dpendencies using npm and after build with npm run build command