** Title........: Template Example
** Filename.....: seperate-script.php
** Author.......: Richard Heyes
** Version......: 1.0
** Notes........: This shows how you can
** use multiple template files.
** Last changed.: 23/05/00
** Last change..:
** Set a couple of example variables.
$test_var = 'Hello world!';
$page_title = 'Template Class';
** Set a couple of example arrays.
$table_rows = array();
$table_rows[] = array( 'column_1' => 'This is column one on row one!',
'column_2' => 'This is column two on row one!',
'column_3' => 'This is column three on row one!'
$table_rows[] = array( 'column_1' => 'This is column one on row two!',
'column_2' => 'This is column two on row two!',
'column_3' => 'This is column three on row two!'
** The template goodies.
$tpl = new template;
$tpl->load_file('header', 'header-template.html');
$tpl->load_file('main', 'main-template.html');
$tpl->load_file('footer', 'footer-template.html');
$tpl->register('header', 'test_var, page_title');
$tpl->parse('header, main, footer');
$tpl->parse_loop('main', 'table_rows');
$tpl->print_file('header, main, footer');